Wednesday 11 September 2013

Pardalote Parents of the spotted variety

Well its spring and I did not intend for this to be a blog entirely about babies but what the heck, when I find something that interests me I will post it. Even if it means babies for the rest of this season. hehe.

Yesterday I spotted a pair of spotted (see what I did there) pardalotes (yellow rumped) perched on a low branch with beaks full of goodies. I knew what that meant and although reluctant, daddy eventually popped into a hole in the embankment and quickly out again beak empty. 

A couple of unwelcome visitors arrived at the scene (other than me) and mummy spread out her red tail feathers and called loudly which was enough to make the yellow faced honey eater and white browed scrub wren find somewhere else to be.

I also left them to their duties as the new parents seemed to be under a bit of stress.

I did visit again this morning for some shots and knowing where the nest was and what branches the birds preferred I did not need to bother them for long. 

In the following images you have mummy entering and leaving the nest. Followed by daddy and his entrance and exit.

These birds are quite small about 8-10 cm. They usually are high up in eucalyptus trees where you are unable to see their wonderful detail. I was so excited to see them down and up close only meters from me. It is taking every bit of self control not to roll my swag out and play the third wheel. 

1 comment:

  1. Superb photos my friend! So did you roll out your swag? :-)
